The benefits of magnetic glass wipe boards

Magnetic glass wipe boards are a great option for those who are looking for a sleek and stylish solution to their whiteboard needs. These boards are available in both flat and angled designs, so you can find the one that best suits your office. They work with all standard pens and markers, so you don’t need to worry about special writing utensils. In addition, these boards include a durable non-porous glass surface which means they will never yellow or need replacement due to scratches–something which is not the case with other traditional boards.

The benefits of magnetic glass wipe boards

  1. Glass boards are scratch-resistant

If you’ve ever owned a whiteboard before, then you know that they’re quite susceptible to scratches and other damage due to the nature of the writing utensils used on them. Not so with these glass boards–they are made from a highly durable non-porous glass which means they will never yellow and will never scratch or fade. This is not only a wonderful feature of these boards, but also an environmentally friendly one.

  1. Glass boards clean up quickly and easily

Cleaning off old notes or drawings from your whiteboard can be a real challenge at times–but no longer if you have one of these glass boards in your office or classroom. These boards are made from a highly durable non-porous glass which means that you’ll never have to worry about stains or spots appearing on them. Cleaning them is simple and quick–just use a piece of paper towel and some glass cleaner and you’re finished!

  1. Glass boards will never yellow

Many people are aware of the negative environmental effects of traditional whiteboards, but they may not be aware that these same boards also have another significant drawback in that they tend to yellow with time. This is obviously problematic since whiteboards are meant to be used over long periods of time, so this problem can become quite serious. Luckily, these glass boards will never suffer from this problem, so you can rest assured that your whiteboard will look new for as long as you own it.

  1. Glass boards are easy to mount

One of the main questions we receive about glass wipe boards is how they’re mounted to walls or other objects. To address this concern, we’ve included a set of mounting hardware with each panel. The mounting kit includes brackets and screws which you’ll use to mount the board. All you need is a screwdriver and you’ll be able to install your glass wipe board in no time.

  1. Glass boards are available in flat and angled designs

These glass boards are available in both flat and angled designs so that you can find the best design to meet your needs. If you’re looking for a sleek, professional look, then your best option is the flat design which comes with a frosted frame to give it an even sleeker appearance. If you’re looking for something with a bit more of an angle, then this angled design is perfect. It comes with an extra 45 degrees on each side which gives it a bit more character than the standard design.

Glass Wipe Boards – All You Need to Know

If you want to find one of the best sources of furniture out there, you should consider getting glass wipe boards. These things can be used in many different places and can help you to get rid of problems that are very difficult to deal with in other ways. Here are some of the most important benefits of using these boards that you should be aware of if you want to get the most out of them and make sure that they last as long as possible so that they give you everything that you need from them, not just right now but in the future as well.


Any time that you think about wiping your glasses, you will start to worry about the kind of cleaner that you use on them. This is because they are very sensitive and this means that they will react to any kind of cleaners and chemicals in a very detrimental way. You should be careful if you want to keep them looking as good as possible because this means that it’s important for you to use something that won’t cause a problem for them or at least one that won’t leave behind any residue when it is wiped away.


If you want to be able to use the glass wipe boards for years on end, it’s important for you to look at what kind of environment where you’re going to be using them. If you don’t like the kind of environment that you live in, or if it has a lot of dust or bacteria in it, then it might not be a good idea for you to get these kinds of things because they could make your glasses look bad if they aren’t cleaned properly. But if the conditions in your environment are okay and there isn’t much dust or bacteria in them, then these things will protect your glasses and make sure that they are preserved until they expire without causing any lasting damage.


There are various different kinds of materials that you can get for your glass wipe boards including stainless steel and laminated plastic. Stainless steel tends to be a bit more expensive, but it also tends to give you more durability than the other kinds of boards that you can get, and this can be a good thing if you want to protect your glasses for a long time and make sure that they last as long as possible. The laminated plastic on the other hand is very cheap but it still has the ability to keep your glasses safe for quite a bit longer.


There’s no reason for you not to get the glass wipe boards if you think that they will look good in your home. They come in many different colors and styles that can match well with the design of your home, so you can be sure that they will look good and stand out on their own without being too noticeable or unrealistic when compared to other kinds of furniture. If you don’t like the idea of walking into a room and seeing something that looks like it’s out of place, then these things are certainly worth getting because they will look good at all times.

There are many different kinds of glass wipe boards that you can buy if you want to get them for yourself. There are many things that you need to consider, but the most important thing is to make sure that they are going to keep your glasses safe and looking good at all times, even when they’re exposed to bacteria or other harmful elements. Make sure that you think about what kinds of glasses you want to be able to protect, because this will let you know what kinds of protection you need, and then go out and find the right kind of board for yourself so that you can get the right kind of protection as soon as possible.

Clear glass whiteboard

A clear glass whiteboard is a remarkably handy invention that can be used in many ways. Pilots use them to make quick notations during flight to help record data and look up information quickly while they’re in the air. Architects make sketches and jot down notes on whiteboards, which are often found hung on drafting tables. In the hospital, nurses use them for writing the status of patients when moving between rooms or floors. Whiteboards can be placed on walls, in conference rooms and offices, and the home. They are especially useful for quick notations during surgery, dentistry, or any procedure that may involve much movement or use of the hands. The glass surface of a whiteboard is used to write on it with chalk and other markers while standing on it, making it extremely helpful in a hospital setting where patients must stand up as they go through physical therapy.

Benefits of using a clear glass whiteboard

There are many benefits that a clear glass whiteboard provides, and they are all very useful. They include the following; –

  • The glass surface provides a suitable writing surface while the board is being used. There is no need to worry about tracing pens getting on the board.
  • Allowing the audience to see what is being written on it and enabling them to ask questions of the reader.
  • A glass surface is easy to clean and disinfect, which prevents infections from spreading between rooms where they might otherwise occur. The risk of broken chalks or pens getting damaged by the glass in a janitor’s bin or any other location is reduced.
  • A glass surface makes the board lighter, which makes it easier to hang up or move around without much effort.
  • The writing surface is resistant to grease and water, which protects it from being damaged by writing instruments like chalks or markers.
  • Writing on a whiteboard is just like using a regular piece of paper, but one can see what’s being written in the process.
  • It is easy to move around if needed as they are lightweight and small enough to be portable.
  • General writing tasks on a glass surface are easier with a whiteboard over a piece of paper as it is more difficult to inadvertently smudge or press too hard.
  • If the whiteboard surface gets dirty, it is not difficult to clean and disinfect due to making contact with the glass surface.

Tips for using a clear glass whiteboard

There are a few simple tips to remember when using a clear glass whiteboard. They include the following; –

  • Before writing on the board, make sure that you have a suitable surface to write on. Do not use a rough surface as this could damage the clear glass whiteboard.
  • Always clean and disinfect your whiteboard at the end of each day to protect it and your health. In particular, clean up any chalks or crayons that might be stuck on the board before using it again.
  • Always use a suitable writing instrument when writing on a whiteboard. Dull pencils or chalks could damage the glass surface.
  • If the glass gets dirty or documents placed on it may get stuck, then use gloves to keep your hands clean.
  • If there are any magnets used to hold up the board, attach them carefully and make sure that they are secure before using them.
  • Keep small items away from the board’s path when using it, especially if small children could reach them.


As you can see, a clear glass whiteboard is an extremely useful invention that provides great benefits to anyone using it. With these tips and benefits in mind, you can use it successfully in your home or office wherever you need it most. As long as you are using a suitable writing instrument and keep the work area clean, you can keep your whiteboard safe and working at its best.