Benefits of bath mobility aids

Bath mobility aids is a medical instrument which helps disabled people to bathe. This equipment assures safety and dignity for the person who cannot get in and out of the bathtub unaided. It comes in two main designs: a chair that provides support for the legs or a bench with straps for the arms, back, and chest.

Benefits of bath mobility aids

Below are the advantages of bath mobility aids:

  1. They help the disabled to bathe independently.

The bath is an essential part of the lives of the disabled. The preferred position for many people lies in sitting up in the bathtub with their head just above the water. This means that they require sufficient muscle strength to lift themselves out of a full bath and onto a secure bathing seat or bench. Without proper support, they may have problems lifting themselves up and out of a bathtub and will be unable to sit in an upright position without assistance.

  1. They help keep disabled’s skin clean and dry.

Bathing is a key part of daily hygiene. The skin is constantly exposed to water and can be damaged if it is not kept clean and dry, especially in the winter season. With all the different kinds of soap available, cleaning the skin becomes difficult when one cannot reach or hold onto his or her skin to slough off the dirt, dirt and germs that accumulate on it over time. Making use of bath mobility aids, in particular bathing chairs or benches will help to keep the whole body from getting wet as one tries to lift himself up and out of the water while trying their best not to slip in between their legs on a slippery surface.

  1. They help prevent falls among disabled individuals.

Bathing in a bathtub is dangerous for people who need to use bath mobility aids. This can result in injuries such as spinal cord damage, bladder injuries and bruises. Many accidents occur because of the tendency to slip on wet surfaces. This type of accident originates mostly from the inability of a disabled individual to move his or her body fluidly out of the water and onto his or her bath chair or bench. The ability to sit with ease while using a bathing device should ensure that there are no slip-ups on slippery surfaces during bathing.

  1. They prevent contamination among individuals who have physical disabilities.

Water is used to clean the whole body. It should be kept clean from any kind of contamination. Many people with physical disabilities such as spinal cord injuries are at a high risk of getting infectious diseases such as fungal infections and urinary tract infections, which can be life-threatening over time. Patients who have acquired these infections may experience severe health problems and a lowered quality of life if they are unable to make use of proper hygiene while taking baths. Bath chairs make it possible for the disabled to rinse the whole body effectively while keeping them in one position throughout their bathing process.


With the conclusion of bath mobility aids, there should be no chance of getting hold of fungal infections and urinary tract infections again. With bath chairs, it is possible to take a bath while being able to move freely in the water, thus reducing the chances of falling off the side or slipping on wet surfaces. Injuries such as spinal cord damage and bladder injuries are also prevented with this equipment. The user will be able to get out of the tub safely while cleaning himself in a dry area. All these benefits make it imperative for people with physical disabilities to make use off their bath mobility aids every day.